Pastor Alan gives a communion wafer to an older gentleman.

We are a church whose unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around word and water, wine and bread… Central to our worship life is the presence of God through word and sacrament. The word proclaimed and the sacraments —both Holy Baptism and Holy Communion — are called the means of grace. We believe that Jesus Christ is present in these means through the power of the Holy Spirit.  – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2016


Holy Communion

Lutherans believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal we call Holy Communion, among other names. We believe that at Christ’s Last Supper, he took the bread and commanded his disciples to “take and eat.” Likewise, he took a cup of wine, blessed it by giving thanks, and gave it for them to drink.

The bread or communion wafer is distributed to the congregation by the presiding minister at the front of our sanctuary. There is an ancient fourth-century tradition for communicants to make their hands into a “throne” for the King of kings. This “throne” is made by placing the open right hand upon and across the left hand (forming a cross). Both hands are then used to bring the bread to the mouth.

The wine is distributed in one of two ways: individual cups or by Intinction, the process of receiving the bread or host and dipping it into the wine. Wine and grape juice are offered – wine is red, grape juice is golden.

All baptized persons (including children) are welcome to receive Holy Communion at Solomon’s altar. If you would prefer to simply receive a blessing instead of communion, please keep your hands folded in an “X” as you come forward.



Baptism is a significant part of our faith journey as we come from the baptismal waters to live a new life as children of God.

Our baptism sets us out on a lifelong journey that is characterized by our relationship to God, our relationship to our faith community, our relationships in our community and the wider world. Living our baptismal covenant means living a life of growth in the faith practices of discipleship.

The liturgy for the Affirmation of Baptism describes the faith practices that grow out of our baptism (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 236). We are to “…live among God’s faithful people; hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper; proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed; serve all people following the example of Jesus; and strive for justice and peace in all the earth.”

Confirmation is a re-affirmation of the saving work God has done already in Holy Baptism.  It has been our congregational practice to confirm young persons as members of Christ’ Church on Reformation Sunday, (The last Sunday in October) during their freshmen year of  high school.  Confirmation typically happens after completing 2 years of instruction from Martin Luther’s Small Catechism during grades 7-8. Adults who have not been confirmed or were raised in non-Lutheran traditions should receive catechism (instruction in the faith) before becoming members of Solomon Church.