Prayer Chain
Are you in need of prayer? Don’t hesitate to contact us! You may contact the Church Office with your prayer request at 419-849-3600 to be added to the email prayer chain.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a program that provides support, counseling, and prayer for church members who are going through a difficult time in their lives. Lay congregation members are trained as Stephen Ministers and share their gifts of care with those in need. Solomon offers training to other area churches on the Stephen Ministry program. If you would like to receive care and support when facing an especially difficult time, please contact us.
The Visitation Team is a team of visitors regularly bringing prayer, hope and encouragement to homebound or ill members. If you are interested in receiving a visit or home communion, please contact us.
Our Wellness Team offers blood pressure checks, Red Cross blood drives, Farmers’ Markets and health related newsletter articles for members and the community.