Worship Assistance / Altar Servers
Contact the office or sign up in the Green Book at the rear of the Nave (sanctuary).
Altar Flowers
Altar Flowers are used as an offering to God during worship, beautification of our sanctuary, and to honor loved ones. Check the sign up sheet in the Church Office for dates that are open for your Altar Flower donations.
Service Ushers
Ushers arrive 30 minutes early. They are responsible for greeting attendees, passing out bulletins, collecting the offering, dismissing the pews during Holy Communion, and taking offering money to the bank at the end of the service.
Communion Set-Up, Service, and Clean-Up
- Set up can be done the day before Sunday service or the morning of.
- Assist Pastor in serving Holy Communion by distributing the wine.
- Clean up Holy Communion at the end of the service.
Volunteers are needed each week to read the scripture passages at the lectern. Those who choose to serve in this way will receive the scriptures the week before in order to prepare for Sunday’s service.
Lead the congregation in song. The Cantor will sing the leadership parts in the service music.
Altar/Vestments/Banner Care
- Banner Team creates and cares for our sanctuary’s many banners that are used throughout the year.
- Altar & Paramonts Team changes the vestments of the altar with the church calendar – as well as laundering the materials, polishing the silver, and caring for our candles.
Acolyte / Cross Bearer
Acolytes (usually confirmation members) are entrusted with various tasks, including carrying the cross, lighting and extinguishing the candles, helping with the offering plates, assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion, and other special duties on any given Sunday, Advent, or Lenten worship.
Contact the office to learn more.
This ministry provides companionship, fellowship and support to widows in our community.
Knot & Tie
Knot & Tie is a quilting ministry of Solomon Lutheran Church. Our devoted quilters meet once a month to sew & knot quilts together to later be donated to the needy. Meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month in the Solomon Lounge.
Good Samaritan Council
The Good Samaritan Council is a food pantry ministry in Woodville, OH, serving families in Woodville and the surrounding area. Solomon collects food items monthly for the food pantry – check by our basket in the Cherry St. lobby for this month’s need! Click here to visit the Good Samaritan Council’s Facebook page.
Solomon Lutheran Church actively supports the mission of these organizations:
- Genacross Lutheran Services (formally Lutheran Homes Society)
- Lutheran Social Services
- Salem Lutheran Church (Toledo)
- Luther Home of Mercy
- Cherry Street Mission (Toledo)
- Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
- Lutheran World Relief
- American Bible Society/Bibles for Troops
- ELCA Anti-Malaria Campaign
- Clean Water Project
- Lutheran Disaster Response
- Heifer International
- NWO Synod